Washing machine hoses & tumble dryer hoses: Online shopping for homewares in the Bosch shop. Including product ratings and reviews.
Matching Products (3)
Exhaust air hose Vent hose, with hose clip Length 2500 mm (98.4") stretched out
00670752 • WTZ1130
In Stock
MyBosch member 10% off - do not apply to display, clean & care and accessories
Packing unit: 1 piece
Extension for inlet Extension for cold water inlet / Aquastop 2500mm
17004057 • WMZ2381
In Stock
MyBosch member 10% off - do not apply to display, clean & care and accessories
Packing unit: 1 piece
Extension for inlet Coldwater Aquastop Extension Kit
00670596 • WMZ2380
Out Of Stock
MyBosch member 10% off - do not apply to display, clean & care and accessories
Packing unit: 1 piece