Tried and tested with Bosch 4D Hot Air Steam Oven
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- Turbot 1 pc 1.5kg
- Cordyceps flower 30g
- Red dates 6 pcs
- Tangerine peel 1 pc
- Ginger 4 slices
- Scallion 1 stalk
- Steamed fish soy sauce 25ml
1. Preheat the oven to 120°C using ‘Steam+’ Mode.
2. Scale and remove the intestine of turbot, wash and pat dry. Insert scallion and ginger.
3. Soften cordyceps flower, remove date pits, cut in half. Peel fruit, cut into shreds. Arrange on fish.
4. Select “Steam+” function and steam for 25 mins. Drain excess liquid. Garnish with scallion, drizzle hot oil, pour steamed fish soy sauce. Serve.
Setting procedure:
Steam+ 120˚C for 25 mins