Tried and tested with Bosch 4D Hot Air Steam Oven
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(Makes about 6)
- 175g high-gluten flour
- 25g low-gluten flour
- 25g condensed milk
- 25g eggs
- 110g milk
- 2g salt
- 3g yeast
- 10g cocoa powder
- 10g butter
1. Mix all the ingredients, except for the butter, together to form a dough. Then, add the softened butter and knead until the dough becomes smooth.
2. Place the dough in a warm place for the first fermentation, until it doubles in size.
3. After removing the dough, deflate it and divide it into six equal portions, each weighing approximately 60g. Deflate and roll each portion into a round shape, then cover them with plastic wrap and let them rest for 10 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, divide the chestnut paste into six portions, each weighing approximately 30g, and roll them into round shapes.
5. Take one portion of the dough, wrap it with the chestnut paste, seal the edges, and shape one end into a pointed water droplet shape. Then, flatten the dough slightly and shape it like a chestnut.
6. After completing the shaping, let the dough undergo the second fermentation until it doubles in size. Brush a little water on the bottom 1/3 of the chestnut-shaped dough and pat some white sesame seeds onto it.
7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Before baking, brush the surface of the bread with beaten egg (excluding the sesame part). Bake for about 12-15 minutes.
Setting procedure:
4D HotAir 180˚C
Cooking time: 12-15 mins