Tried and tested with Bosch 4D Hot Air Steam Oven
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Dough :
- 350 g Flour
- 2 teaspoon dried yeast
- 1 pinch sugar
- 200 ml Milk
- 125 ml Oil
- 1 teaspoon Salt
- 300 g Broccoli
- 150 ml Water
- Appropriate salt
- 1 piece onions
- 20 g Butter
- 300 g Cream cheese
- 1 tablespoon Lemon juice
- Appropriate Black pepper
- Appropriate Curry powder
For brushing:
- 1 piece egg yolks
- 2 tablespoon milk
- 1. To make the yeast dough, mix the flour and yeast in a bowl. Add all the other ingredients, knead the dough thoroughly and leave to prove.
- 2. Wash and scrub the broccoli. Chop the stalks into small pieces and divide the heads into small florets. Cook for approx. 3 minutes in salted water. Then drain in a colander and leave to cool.
- 3. Finely dice the onion and sweat in the butter until transparent. Place in a bowl and mix well with the broccoli, cream cheese, lemon juice, salt, pepper and curry powder.
- 4. Roll out the yeast dough into a rectangle and cut into 8 equal squares. Distribute the filling on top and fold together from corner to corner. Seal the edges by pressing on them with a fork.
- 5. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Place the turnovers onto the baking tray. Whisk egg yolk and milk together and brush the pockets with the mixture. Select 4D HotAir and 180 °C for 20-30 minutes. (when using 4D HotAir, baking tray can be placed on any level, except the highest level)
Setting procedure:
Add the remaining mushroom mixture to the nests and mixture to the nests and distribute the remaining liquid evenly into the moulds. Select 4D HotAir and 180 °C for 20-30 minutes. (when using 4D HotAir,baking tray can be placed on any level, except the highest level )