Tried and tested with Bosch 4D Hot Air Steam Oven
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- 500 grams beef tripe
- 10 grams salt
- 5 grams salt
- 10 grams scallion oil
- 5 grams ginger, shredded
- 5 grams green pepper, shredded
- 5 grams red pepper, shredded
- 1. Place the whole beef tripe in boiling water and blanch for half a minute. Remove and rinse with cold water. Then, cut the beef tripe into thin shreds.
- 2. Add salt to the cut beef tripe and marinate for 10 minutes. Squeeze out any excess water.
- 3. Add salt, scallion oil, shredded ginger, shredded green pepper, and shredded red bell pepper to the marinated beef tripe. Mix well and place it on a ceramic plate.
- 4. Place the plate on the steaming tray and, place it on the third level of the Bosch 4D Hot Air Steam Oven. Select ‘Steam+” and use 110 °C to steam 6 mins.
Setting procedure:
Select 'Steam+" and use 110 °C to steam 6 mins.