Tried and tested with Bosch 4D Hot Air Steam Oven
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- Bread Flour 240g
- Fresh yeast 6.5g or instant yeast 2g
- Sugar 35g
- Salt 4.5g
- Egg 50g
- Milk 105g
- Old dough 50g*
- Butter 50g
Other ingredients
- Butter 25g
- Sugar 10g
- 9cm Paper mold
*Old dough
Bread flour 100g, Water 65g, Fresh yeast 2g, Salt 2g
Make old dough 12-24 hours before baking. Mix and knead the dough and leave it in the fridge (4-7°C) a day before. If you kept the old dough in freezer (-18°C), thaw it in fridge (4-7°C) a day before you bake.
1. Softened butter at room temperature before baking.
2. Put flour into a kitchen machine. Add yeast, sugar, salt (while keeping salt away from yeast). Put in egg and milk. Mix over low speed for 1 minute. Add old dough and butter. Turn to medium-low speed and mix around 15-17 minutes until the dough is smooth. (The ideal temperature of the dough should be 24-26°C.)
3. Roll the dough round. Put it in a large bowl and cover to prevent drying out. Leave it at room temperature (28-30°C) to rise for 45minutes.
4. After the first rise, the dough should’ve doubled in size. Punch down the dough to drive the gas out. Roll them round and cover. Let them sit for 15 minutes.
5. Gently pat the dough into a rectangle. Roll it along the size about 20cmW x 48cmH.
6. Brush butter and sugar on the dough. Roll it with seam side down.
7. Cut the dough into 5 portions. Put each into a paper molds with the spiral cross section facing up and push it with your fingers.
8. Put it into steam oven with Dough Proving mode 35˚C to rise for 45minutes.
9. Preheat Bosch 4D Hot Air Steam Oven to 195℃ in 4D HotAir mode and bake for about 12 minutes.
Old dough
Bread flour 100g, Water 65g, Fresh yeast 2g, Salt 2g
Make old dough 12-24 hours before baking. Mix and knead the dough and leave it in the fridge (4-7°C) a day before. If you kept the old dough in freezer (-18°C), thaw it in fridge (4-7°C) a day before you bake.
Setting procedure:
Dough proving 35˚C
Proving time: 45 mins
4D HotAir 195˚C
Cooking time: 12 mins
(Preheated oven)